I cannot believe that I have not blogged about this before - but we really don't go often. Two weeks ago we had a great October weekend and after church the Burrs talked us into an adventure on the Maid of the Mist. I was not sure how Brenna would handle it but true to her adventurous nature she just loved it. This was the boys first time on the boat and they really were impressed with the massiveness of the falls.
Brenna and Kaylee all bundled up in their kid size blue rain coats!
Matthew flashing a smile before we got all wet.

Mommy and Brenna all set to go.
Joshua with his hood on but he soon thought he would see how wet he could get and took it off.

Daddy and Brenna
All good and soaked!
Brenna gives the camera a wave hello!
Joshua and Daddy as we pulled back into the dock.

Mr. Burr and Madison after the ride.
What a great beautiful day and a good view from the observation tower.
The Burr Family - thanks for going with us guys!

Mommy and Brenna all set to go.

Daddy and Brenna