In October we celebrated Joshua's 8
th Birthday with a Narnia Party. We invited guests with tickets inviting them to help
Aslan defeat the Evil White Witch. Everyone was encouraged to come in costume as one of the characters in Narnia. Here we have Peter, Edmund and a princess.
Others came as knights, warriors and some animals.

I used Joshua and Matthews own
Narnian characters for cake decoration.

We had a feast, including a full turkey served with fruits and veggies. One very creative mom even wrapped Joshua's present up as a turkey - how cleaver!

The upstairs was turned into a snowy
Narnian winter........

...and the basement was a castle. The favorite game of the day was using a real bow and arrow to slay the dragon
pinata. The kids got lots of turns each and some even had excellent shots. The final blows however were dealt with Joshua's sword.