Today as we were driving he was practicing his counting and when he gets up to 10 he often skips it and proceeds to 11 with his goal to reach 20 each time. Brett and I keep correcting him and reminding him about poor forgotten number 10 but today we found out why it is missing.........
After the 3rd time reminding him of 10 he stopped and quite adamantly proclaimed to all of us that..."I cannot do 10 dad, it is gone-the lion ate it." When he counted up to 9 again skipping 10, we asked why and he reassured us that in fact the lion has eaten it and it is just gone.

Well, that explains why we have had a missing 10 around this house.
Gotta love 2 year olds! Give Mac a kiss for me; in fact, give him 10! Ella does the same sort of thing. She'll skip some of the teen numbers in hopes to speed up the process of reaching the famed number 20. When she gets to 20, however, she insists that "20" likes to be called "20teen". When I try and correct her, she says, "No, no, no Mommy. Listen....18,19,20teen. See?" Again, gotta love 2 year olds!
That is cute Janine! They are so funny..I need to write down more funny things so I never forget- there is so much of Joshua that I all ready have forgotten.
I am reading your latest blog at your house. This is truly a Mac story as he always has a very good and reasonable reply for all of his actions! He is calling me now over the monitor as he is in for his nap after an enjoyable morning at the libray and doing the letter "L" and making a ladybug hat, which he told me is "too crazy to wear". He wants Mommy to put it on his shelf to go with the ladybug accents in his room.
whatever you do, don't ever forget Josh's story about delicious boogers.
So glad to see that Mac is growing up with a big imagination and witty remarks like his big brother!
I want to hear the delicious boogers story! The lion eating the "10" is pretty classic, though :) I feel like I can't complain too much about our weather when your high (!) was in the 20s (but at least you know what to dress your kiddos in when you walk out the door)!
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