This year it was Matthew's turn to hang the first ornament on the tree.. he was so proud.

Joshua then got to put out snowman tree topper on.....he needed a boost from dad though!

We let the boys to almost the whole tree this is so cute to see some parts have lots more decoration than others.....that night we cleverly "re-arraigned" a few things.
What a pretty tree!! It must be such a fun and exciting time for the boys. I hope you guys have a wonderful Christmas together!! Cant wait to see all the pictures of Christmas day :)
Hmmm...maybe you could teach the boys proper decor technique? It would be pretty funny to see Matt measuring the distance between ornaments to make sure they are properly spaced! I guess a little rearranging works too!
great job Josh & Matt! Oh, big girl Brenna... I love your reindeer sweater!
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