No trip with Nana here is compete without some outlet are Brenna and Matthew getting a ride.
Nana apparently made Matthew's most favorite pie ever - a Apple Cranberry Pie...he had never had this pie before but definitely fell in love with it and finished off the last bite.

Paca then joined us for the weekend and spend some time with the kids.

Then the gift giving began. Joshua got to go and pick out his new bike...we are calling this one "Treck" and Matthew is very excited to get "Jet" as the other one is referred to.
Mac was so very excited for his very own treasure chest of dress-up clothes. He immediately carried the entire thing right up to his bedroom where he placed it next to his bed. It has not moved from that spot since. The clothing is getting used every day and he just loves this gift.
Brenna, how smart of her, knew just what to do with her new cleaning set and vacuum.

Thanks for the visit mom and dad.