Thursday, December 16, 2010

Christmas #1

We celebrated Christmas a bit early last week when Paca and Nana England came into town for a visit. We were glad we could provide them with some snow so that it seemed a bit more "Christmas Like" than the 80's that they went back to in Texas.

No trip with Nana here is compete without some outlet are Brenna and Matthew getting a ride.
Nana apparently made Matthew's most favorite pie ever - a Apple Cranberry Pie...he had never had this pie before but definitely fell in love with it and finished off the last bite.

Paca then joined us for the weekend and spend some time with the kids.

Then the gift giving began. Joshua got to go and pick out his new bike...we are calling this one "Treck" and Matthew is very excited to get "Jet" as the other one is referred to.
Mac was so very excited for his very own treasure chest of dress-up clothes. He immediately carried the entire thing right up to his bedroom where he placed it next to his bed. It has not moved from that spot since. The clothing is getting used every day and he just loves this gift.
Brenna, how smart of her, knew just what to do with her new cleaning set and vacuum.

Thanks for the visit mom and dad.

Sunday, November 28, 2010


Every other year the boys have gotten to take turns putting the snowman on the top of the tree. This year it was Matthew's so up he went on Daddy's shoulders.
Joshua decorating with two missing front teeth and a healing gash on his eyebrow..poor guy

Sweet Brenna was so excited to be in on the action this year

Matthew feeling like a big shot up on the ladder

All three kids were having so much fun getting to choose themselves where everything went

Brenna hangs her first ornament

Smiles for the camera when the tree is finished

Brett and I got a laugh out of this tonight when we went in to look at the tree. You can tell at what height the ladder reached and were all of Matthew's decorating took place!!

Getting the Tree

Oh what fun...another year of searching for the perfect tree. This year we discovered a new tree farm really close to us out in the country and WOW were we in for a surprise. Check out the video..could this have been a better planned Long boy's afternoon (and that includes dad..except we all know what he wanted to do with these deer) or what. There were quite a few live bucks, a zebra, some elk and lots of stuffed animals to admire.

Friday, November 26, 2010

My New Gift

A few weeks ago Natasha took me shopping at the Indian Food Market. It was great that she was able to show me so much of what I have been "borrowing" of hers as I learn to cook. Well we came across this--I am not sure what it is called-- and she has one that I always admire so she surprised me and gave this to me. I can now have lots of spices handy and you all know how I love to be organized! Thanks Natasha- I love it!!

Saturday, November 13, 2010


Matthew's Best Quote of the Week

"Dad do you know why I like salad so much and it is my favorite food?"
"No, Matthew why?"
"Because that is what Jesus stands know dad...On Christ the "Salad" Rock I Stand."

Loved when Brett told me this today..Matthew sings this song all the time just praising Jesus with his little voice. I just never knew this is why he likes salad!

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Messy Dinner

This was the scene at dinner the other night. Do you like Joshua's forced fake laugh? Brenna though she was pretty funny and Matthew seems absolutely stunned that we find him to be a messy eater. Really??? Matthew this should not be new news to you or anyone who knows you!!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

This One Is For You Nana England

Nana England got Joshua this coat after going to the 2006 Winter Olympics in Turin Italy. Apparently it was the smallest child size coat that she could get. Well almost 5 years later it finally fits!!! I pulled it out tonight Joshua was thrilled to wear it. Thanks Nana!!!

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Pictures At the Park

Here are a few recent pictures of the kids at the park the other day. Joshua is almost 7, Matthew is about 41/2 and Brenna 17month. They are sure growing fast.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Look What We Had To Do

Oh yes we just had to get this (even paid extra for over-night FedEx delivery).

The other day I was out in the yard playing with Matthew and Brenna was napping and all of the sudden guess who joined us out on the patio--blankies and 3 paci's in her had. She was HAPPY as could be and quite proud of herself. Well, I was totally shocked and wondered who had gotten her up from her nap--especially when no one was home!

Matthew and I even put her back in her crib to see if we could "reenact the event" but could not. I figured this was just a fluke and she would never do it again. So, I lowered the crib to the lowest level and then...yep, the next day out she came again...this time I caught her in the act though with both hands hanging from the side and unable to drop the last 8 inches down.

So, after an hour of Internet searching this is the best we could do. Who knew I would have to buy this for a third child. The boys would have stayed in the crib forever and neither ever tried to climb out at all. Well Miss Bren, we hope you like your new "Tent" because you are going to be in there for a long time!!

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Silly Brenna

The other night we caught Brenna with her hands in the cookies. She can open the pantry now and love to go and find treats!
Brett also like to put the kids in strange places. I came down the other night to find Brenna perched up over the fireplace. I think she actually liked it.

First Days of School

This fall started off a new school year. It was fun to watch the boys get excited to meet new people and learn new things.

Matthew started Pre-School at Miss Pam's this week. He "Loved it so much he just wants to live there". He has 3 friends in his class at has made a few more. He is just so cute going in each morning..he leads the kids around the room showing off the toys. We are working on learning the days of the week and sing the song frequently!

Joshua started 1st grade and is loving it. He likes Gym the best - who would have guessed?!?! We are excited to watch how he grows this year. I think we will have lots of reading time in the evenings so time to hit the Library for books.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Summer In Review

As we get ready to head into fall and another school year begins I thought I would post some pictures that captured what we did this summer.

We spent LOTS and LOTS of time on our new water slide. There were many days in a row that we would set it up and stay in the backyard the whole day playing.

Megan, Justin's wife, and I took the kids to our favorite museum..The Museum of Play..and the boys had a great time showing their new cousin Nathan around. Here they are playing with the life-sized Mr. Potato Head that you can dress up many different ways.

Matthew having some fun riding his jeep in the yard.

We spent a day as a family hiking. It was a REALLY hot day and we spent almost the entire time stream walking. The boys had such a great time catching crayfish, getting muddy and wet, playing with their nets and jabbering away. What a fun day that was. Brenna though got a bit upset with us because we didn't let her walk in the streams so I finally took her back to the car and let her play and met up with the guys later.

Joshua, Matthew, Tristan and Nathan competed in the annual Kids Fishing Contest and the Rod and Gun Club on Grand Island. I think they were all excited about their trophies and Nathan even won a new fishing pole.

Brett took the boys camping one Friday evening. They enjoyed cooking marshmallows, building a camp fire, canoeing and catching frogs.