Every other year the boys have gotten to take turns putting the snowman on the top of the tree. This year it was Matthew's so up he went on Daddy's shoulders.

Joshua decorating with two missing front teeth and a healing gash on his eyebrow..poor guy

Sweet Brenna was so excited to be in on the action this year

Matthew feeling like a big shot up on the ladder

All three kids were having so much fun getting to choose themselves where everything went

Brenna hangs her first ornament
Smiles for the camera when the tree is finished

Brett and I got a laugh out of this tonight when we went in to look at the tree. You can tell at what height the ladder reached and were all of Matthew's decorating took place!!
The tree sure looks nice with the brightly wrapped presents underneath. It is cold and damp in Lewiston this morning and I am playing GI Joe with Matthew. Brenna is using unshelled mixed nuts as bombs. There is a chicken simmering on the stove for a Chicken and noodle supper: just like going back to early years for me! Matt just cracked a walnut and figured out it was food not a bomb!
Keeping warm in one of Christina's classic wool sweaters! I love coming to N Y at Christmas.
Mom DeSutter
good job boys!
I love this post!! The kids are so sweet and having SO much fun :)
The tree is a beauty!! Love the pictures of Matthew with his face beaming because he gets to stand on the BIG BOY latter :) Joshua with his two front missing teeth..."All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth" :)....Love it!! Brenna hanging her first ornament on the tree :) Such a special family you have!
Love the classic picture of all the ornaments in one place on the tree :) My Mom used to let us decorate the tree and then she would always rearrange everything when we went to bed because there would be an ornament cluster in certain areas of the tree :) I laughed when I saw that photo. Oh the memories!!
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