Today was Joshua's Space Show. He preformed lots of songs that he has been singing around the house for weeks! We all got to go to school today to watch the show and then as a special treat we all ate lunch together in the cafeteria. It was such a fun morning!!

Joshua in his "Space Suit"

The Space Ship that he made for his project.

His robot creation

Grandpa and Joshua

Joshua and his friend Spencer
Wow- in the second picture (the whole family) look how Brenna and Matt have the same face. They really do resemble each other! What a fun day to spend together.
Josh, What is your robots name? Is it Flasher? He is pretty cool. Actually, he looks kinda scary! I love your space suit. You colored it really nicely. I bet you could teach me a few things about space... i mean, now that you are an astronaut! Love you, Aunt Steph
Cool space outfits! Joshua, you look like Buzz Armstrong or Lightyear!
I mean Neal Armstong, apparently you can teach me something about space and astronomy too, I've forgotten the names of the dudes that landed on the moon!
I love this!! Kids get to have so much fun!! I love the space project Joshua!! How cool :)
- Tash -
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