You know winter has been long when the rabbits start to attack the landscaping. These are my brand new rose bushes that were beautiful last year..they are being eaten to stubs. I am thinking of just covering them all up with snow and maybe the rabbits won't find them.
I hate rabbits . . . and I really hate deer, because the deer keep eating our shrubs too; plus they're always cussing so loud and smoking deer cigars which is definitely not cool; young fawns these days!
Maybe you could leave out something else that rabbits could eat. It's sad to think they are so hungry.
That is a lot of snow!! Hey...the poor bunnies need something to eat :) its just too bad it has to be your beautiful rose bushes :(
I agree with Renee, set out all your veggies scrapes for the bunnies. Seems like that is what you did when you were kids. Then again, you could lure the coyotes to your yard. I saw our coyote the other day romping on the golf course. Maybe Josh and Mac can track him when they visit!! Love Nana
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