This was the week of Birthdays in our house...and we sure had lots of celebrations!
First Brenna turned she is with her first girl Lego set thanks to a fun gift that arrived from J & J and Family - thank you!! She also got a great Horse Raincoat and new clothing from Nana England, a travel backpack and rising pole form Grandpa and Nana Long, new Dora undies from Great Grandma, a bubble maker and new Dora beach towel from Rayhaan and Sophia and lots of clothes from Uncle Keith, Aunt Tara and Tristan. She loved it all!!
Happy Birthday Brenna - we sure love you and think you are a wonderful, funny and very silly sweet girl and you make us all so very happy being in our family!
Then later in the week Great Grandma was here and it was birthday celebration time again. This time it was Brett's Birthday and Nana made some fantastic pies and we stuck some candles in them and had birthday time all over again - this time for Matthew turning 6 and another candle for Brenna too.
On Thursday we went to Matthew's Kindergarten class to bring in treats - jello cups with swimming fish in them and topped with a sail boat! Thanks to Nana and Great Grandma we were able to carry them all into the class room. It was fun to see Mac with all his friends and sing to him at school

Finally the week concluded with Matthew's Birthday today. He went fishing with Grandpa, and the came home for pizza and cake with Nanna and Grandpa and the Shaikh's.
He loved all his gifts, a camera from Nanna and Grandpa Long, binoculars and a watch from Daddy and Mommy, new sunglasses from Brenna, Lego Ninjago from Joshua, an awesome Star Wars Transformer and Book from Rayhaan and Sophia.
the jello cups are super cute. What a fun birthday week!
How on earth are you sweet babies soo old already??
How sweet! Love your kitchen by the way! Really miss you all! xox
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