Monday, September 2, 2013

River Walking

Always a favorite every summer is to go out to Brett's favorite (New York, that is ) fishing stream. In the August the water level is down and the stream is nice and warm so we take the kids for an adventure.  They love to find the swimming holes, catch frogs and toads, and this year Brenna caught her first snake.   So proud she is holding up the little guy!


The Martin's said...

Oh Brenna, you are soooo cute! Colden and Blakely wouldn't catch a snake! You are a brave girl. I wouldn't even wade in that river!

Kaitlin L. said...

Brenna is so brave! And, Momma, you're my hero - I wish at least one of my kids would catch critters (so that they could get them out of the house/pool, when we find them!)

Renee Westcott said...

Um, where we live, please don't pick up the snakes or spiders. There's a good chance they are NOT harmless! Pass on picking up the scorpions too.