First of all ... it has been FOREVER since I have blogged BUT first I wanted to say thank you to all the Happy Birthday Wishes for Joshua yesterday. He wondered "why do you have tears in your eyes mommy" yesterday as I hugged him and remembered the cold rainy day he finally arrived on Oct 1 2003. So much has happened since then....I remember thinking I could not imagine him being 5 and now is is all ready 6!!!!

Can you tell Matthew was excited at 6am when Joshua opened his presents - he just jumped right up on that counter!
Later in the day we brought cupcakes to school so Joshua

could celebrate with his friends.

-From Uncle Serg
Happy Birthday, Josh! I hope you got lots of fun things and enjoyed sharing cupcakes with your class. Did you save one for me?
Wow!! We love you big man Josh! Wish we could be there to celebrate with you! Can't believe you're 6!
I love the picture of Matthew standing on the counter full of excitement as his borther opens his gifts. I have a feeling he is thinking "I will get to play with those toys also. Yippy :)"
I love how Joshua got to celebrate his birthday at school and be "king" for a day! How sweet!!
Happy Birthday Joshua!! I cannot wait to meet you someday.
Happy #6 Josh... just wait til you get to 16 and your mom will really cry! We love you!
p.s. we are dying to see his party pictures!
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