Apples...Apples...and more Apples....

We went picking with our good friends "The Burrs" a few weeks ago. The kids had a great time and lots of apples were picked. We even captured a video of Madison, Joshua, Kaylee and Matthew playing with the apples.
How can I pass up some more pictures of apple picking in Western New York. Last week we picked tons of apples again - many crisps were made, 2 batches of applesauce, lots of carmel dipped apples for snacks and we still have a bag full ....all for $13.00 - so cheap!
Adorable pics - they're growing up so fast! I can't believe that Josh is 6 and Brenna's already 5 months! I think you're right, too - it won't be long before they think that we don't know anything :)
Mmmmm...I can almost smell the apples baking! I'm super jealous of you guys! Next year I'm coming up for a whole month (or two) so we can do peaches AND apples together. Love you sis.
Dear Burrs,
you look like nice folk, but know that we've got our eye on you! Just kidding. Miss you best buddies! Looks like you guys had a really fun and festive time! You had me at caramel apple. Mmmmmm....
How cool!! I love this time of year because of the apple sauce, apple butter, carmel apples and apple pies. Yummy!!!
We may have to come visit you guys in the near future and go apple picking and peach picking. How fun!! We love those sort of things.
I have a feeling Thanksgiving at your house is amazing :)
I wish we had gone with you! That looks like such fun. Brenna... you are so cute stuffed into your Bjorn with your snowsuit on!
p.s. being preggo makes cooking not so much fun... but Baking is another story! I've baked a few apple crisps and an apple pie, pumpkin bread and cinnamon bread in the last month. yum! too bad I did't have the good NY cheap apples to bake with! Washington apples are good too, but I miss Cortland's!
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