Sunday, October 25, 2009

Lots of Leaves

We had the most beautiful day today - it was about 56 and so sunny with gorgeous color in our trees. What a wonderful time of year it is here in New York. We have begun the task of cleaning up all the leaves that fall in our yard. Today we let the kids just play and play as we raked big piles. Both boys were really helpful when it came time to actually pick them all up. Brenna came out in her stroller to be entertained by the boys but she even got in on the action. I am sure you will be seeing more leaf pictures in the weeks to come!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

What we've been up to this month.

Apples...Apples...and more Apples....

We went picking with our good friends "The Burrs" a few weeks ago. The kids had a great time and lots of apples were picked. We even captured a video of Madison, Joshua, Kaylee and Matthew playing with the apples.

How can I pass up some more pictures of apple picking in Western New York. Last week we picked tons of apples again - many crisps were made, 2 batches of applesauce, lots of carmel dipped apples for snacks and we still have a bag full ....all for $13.00 - so cheap!

Happy Birthday Joshua

First of all ... it has been FOREVER since I have blogged BUT first I wanted to say thank you to all the Happy Birthday Wishes for Joshua yesterday. He wondered "why do you have tears in your eyes mommy" yesterday as I hugged him and remembered the cold rainy day he finally arrived on Oct 1 2003. So much has happened since then....I remember thinking I could not imagine him being 5 and now is is all ready 6!!!!

Can you tell Matthew was excited at 6am when Joshua opened his presents - he just jumped right up on that counter!
Later in the day we brought cupcakes to school so Joshua could celebrate with his friends.