Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Star Gazing

The other night as we were pulling into the driveway Matthew got a glimpse of a planet in the sky along with lots of stars. He ran into the house, grabbed his binoculars, a sheet of paper and some crayons and came back outside to "draw" the sky. It was so cute how excited he got over the amazing way that God has created our world! What a wonderful teachable moment it was for us as a family to just get excited about the greatness of our God!

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Another Play Museum Outing

Once again we went to our favorite play place. Here are some pictures of the kids. They really are growing up.

Joshua - age 8
Matthew - age 5 1/2
Brenna - age 2 1/2

Monday, November 21, 2011

Finally a Dinner with No Complaints

This past weekend I took the kids out for dinner after running some errands around town and it was a blast. If anyone knows our boys - especially Joshua-they would understand the pure joy on his face of being able to just eat seafood for dinner. I tell you this boy has pretty fancy taste in food and much to his dismay does not get it too often at home. He had a blast pulling out crab meat from 3 large crabs and devoured 2 servings of coconut shrimp! Matthew gobbled up all his fish and dug into the crabs also. Brenna and I ate the leftovers and thank goodness I ordered her some chicken and applesauce or she would have left hungry.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Happy 8th Birthday Joshua

In October we celebrated Joshua's 8th Birthday with a Narnia Party. We invited guests with tickets inviting them to help Aslan defeat the Evil White Witch. Everyone was encouraged to come in costume as one of the characters in Narnia. Here we have Peter, Edmund and a princess.
Others came as knights, warriors and some animals.
I used Joshua and Matthews own Narnian characters for cake decoration.
We had a feast, including a full turkey served with fruits and veggies. One very creative mom even wrapped Joshua's present up as a turkey - how cleaver!
The upstairs was turned into a snowy Narnian winter........
...and the basement was a castle. The favorite game of the day was using a real bow and arrow to slay the dragon pinata. The kids got lots of turns each and some even had excellent shots. The final blows however were dealt with Joshua's sword.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

First Field Trip

To the Apple Farm we went.
Matthew's class went on their first trip to Tom Towers Farm and her is Farmer Tom himself showing the kids his special apples that have a star inside them.
Brenna and I were able to meet the bus up at the farm and help out. Bren enjoyed the picking and eating!
Inside the market Farmer Tom brought in a brussel sprout bush to show the kids how they grow. They all got a laugh out of it. It was a fun fall morning!