Wednesday, May 26, 2010

4-Years Old

Happy Birthday Matthew!! You are getting to be such a big boy and today you were so glad you were finally 4!!

Daddy and Mommy are so happy that you are our son. We love how much you tell us you love us. We laugh at your wild imagination and can't stop kissing your chubby cheeks! You are our wonderful 4-year old son and we love you as much as we possible could.

Mac also learned how to swing just in time for his birthday. By 7am he was out on the play set just swinging away!!

Saturday, May 22, 2010

First Present

Matthew got to open his first birthday present tonight. He got his very own mummy sleeping bag in blue....just what he really wanted! He was really anxious to go to sleep tonight so we were pretty happy about that. Joshua and him are both "camping out" in the guest room in their bags. Good Night Boys.

Early Breakfast Party

This morning we had an early 7am breakfast part for Natasha. Her birthday is today and she has family in from Canada so Matthew and I headed out to the bakery bright and early to bring home some sweet treats and surprise her. Hey..this bounce house is sure letting us have lots of party time. The boys waited so patiently till we rounded up everyone, lit the candle and sang! Such a fun morning. Brenna is starting to practice her 'walking" with Daddy.
She thought she was quite the big shot sitting all by herself up on the slide.

Friday Fun

This is yesterday when Joshua had a 1/2 day of school so I brought all the kiddos over to our house for lunch...they were so good all lined up and ate great! It was so much fun.

After lunch we headed out to the bounce house. We decided that for the big birthday weekend --Brett 35, Brenna 1 and Matthew 4 we would rent a big bounce house for 3 days. We are having tons of fun with it. Everyone has been over and all the kids are loving bouncing and sliding!

Even Brenna and Sophia have been enjoying themselves being bounced around by their brothers.

First Soccer Game

After our fun afternoon in the sun we went to our first soccer game. Here are the two brothers...we love having them on the same team. In fact, there are 5 second-cousins on this team so it is a mini-family reunion every Monday and Thursday evening!!

Joshua got to spend some time in the net..he took this task very seriously and didn't let any balls past.
Natasha and Zubair even came out for the are the mommies watching the babies.

Some Warm Sunshine

We have had some beautiful summer like weather the past week. Brenna was able to wear her new swim suite and crawl around outside. She decided to check out my plants and got a little bit dirty so we pulled out the sprinkler. Matthew was so sweet playing with Brenna and showing her how to get wet.
Here is a handsome picture of our almost 4-year old.
Brenna was thrilled to get wet and even did a good job of clapping for herself.
She then realized that she could stick her whole face in!!
We were having so much fun we called our friends over. Brenna and Sophia socialized on the little swings.....
...while Matthew and Rayhaan tried out the new Slip and Slide.
Here is an action shot of Matthew..we had such a fun afternoon.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Soccer Season Begins

We started another year of soccer this week. Joshua and Matthew are going to end up playing on the same team and Brett and I are so glad we will be in just 1 place at the same time! Hurrah!! Joshua just loves playing and has his uniform on every day after school, even on non-soccer days, cleats and all! This is Matthew's first year and he is doing great, he runs his little heart out at the games. Here is a picture of the first night...Matthew did not have his uniform shirt yet but was decked out in his Italy Jersey! I am thinking that the Word Cup is going to be watched quite often at our home this summer.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Happy 1st Birthday Brenna Renee

Happy Birthday is such a joy to have you in our family. We have loved our first year with you. You have brought smiles and laughter to our home. We thank God every day that you are our little girl. We will love you always!

Here she is with her first Big Girl trick of the day...climbing the bunk bed ladder...she was quite proud of herself till she tumbled off (mommy did catch her though)!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

More Dress-Up

Just so you know I am not exaggerating when I say Matthew is really into having multiple identities every morning. He gets himself dressed up before we even see him in the morning.

This was 2 morning ago
And this was yesterday
This morning I think he was just himself!!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Dress Up Time

Well, today I finally needed to grab the camera and snap some pictures because the kids have really been into dressing up. I should say they are always into dressing up. It starts about 5:45 or so in the morning and continues till night time finally rolls around!Today it was cowboys that got things is Joshua and Brenna hanging out on the stairs. Joshua had just finished riding "Chester" up to the Rockies looking for some lost cattle and Matthew was back guarding the ranch.Josh giving his sister some kisses.Just as I walked into Mathew's room tonight he was standing by the bed in in full Army Gear...over his dinosaur PJ's with his Fire-Fighter Oxygen Tank on his back and he looks at me and says..."Mommy, can't I just wear this to bed...I will be warm"