Thursday, May 26, 2011

Happy Birthday I am 5!!

Happy 5th Birthday Matthew!
Oh wow, it has been 5 years since Aunt Stephie came up to New York to help with Joshua and got to be here for little Matthew's birth - we just cannot believe it. Matthew was so very excited for this day to come. He has been counting down the days! He really is growing up and such a joy to have. He loves to play at home, especially with his brother and next door best buddy Rayhaan. He is quite imaginative with playing GI Joe and Narnia and is always up for a good battle! He started golf lessons this year and we think this is his favorite and practices quite a bit by himself out in the back yard. We love you so much Matthew are pleased to see what a tender sweet boy you are growing into and we pray you continue to love Jesus day after day!

Here is Matthew with Brenna at Preschool after he got to hand out all his treats to his friends

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Happy Birthday I've Turned 2!

Happy Birthday Brenna!!!

She has become a silly, happy and slightly crazy little girl. She loves to chase around her brothers, be tickled and tossed about by daddy, she loves to do anything that is very daring like sit up on the refrigerator, climb to the highest monkey bars, slide down the tallest slide at the park and swing quite high and fast. She also is so sweet and wants to help to do all kinds of house things like laundry (she is pretty good too ....I just send her from room to room with everyones clothes), empty the dishwasher, and sweep the floor. She loves to sing Jesus Loves Me and raises her arms up high when we get to the part that "He is Strong" and reminds us that we need to pray at dinner. She folds her little hands and bows her head...that is so sweet for a parent to watch. We just love Brenna and are so glad that last 2 years have been filled with her in our family.

Here is Brenna loving her new "Baby" and Crib that even matches hers!

Can you spot any mischief of this face?

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Time to Clean

I found this video today when I was clearing the memory card of the camera and it made me laugh. Brenna had gotten a cleaning set for Christmas from Nanna England and Paca and here she was one evening cleaning the kitchen floor. Then she started to "hide" the spray bottle and cloth on herself and that was the part that made me laugh. She is really growing up.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Winter Visitors

This past February Renee brought Lydia and Henry up to visit us. It was such a fun fun week and we did tons of stuff. I was glad we got to let the kiddos experience some winter snow fun. Even Renee was out there shoveling my driveway and everything!

We were glad that Lydia got to experience wearing some clothing that gets put on pretty often in our home...she is a cute soldier don't you think!

Renee even introduced Brenna to pig-tails! I really had no idea I could start putting them in her hair yet but sure enough Renee was right. She loves wearing her hair up but I did have to buy some de-tangling spray to make the process a bit nicer for her.
Joshua led the kids round and round the dining room table as the Marching Band Leader.
One day we brought the little ones up to Cheeky Monkeys and let them crawl around and play. Henry loved it up in the tunnels! If it weren't for naps we could have stayed there all day.

Even though we were busy this week we did spend a lot of time in the kitchen. Lots of time infect. Here is a picture of Brenna stealing some food from Henry's tray.
They seem to be laughing about something...wonder what was so funny.Henry giving Brenna a ride around.More meals served.

Renee and I doing a crafting project with the kids then we taped all the artwork to the was really cute.
Uncle Brett getting some hugs from Henry or he was stealing some food from the plate..I am not sure!
What is a visit to Western New York without a trip to the Play Museum?

Renee and I found some old barbies that we used to have...I know Peaches and Cream was mine and I think the lady in pink was Amy's favorite.
We made popcorn...all the kids crawled up on the counter to try to be the first to catch the popping kernels.

We also went to the Power Authority along the Niagara River and learned about electricity.

Here is a clip of Joshua getting Henry to laugh...Henry really loves Josh!!